Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Vision Creation...

At the forefront however is the objective, what is the business vision outcome of the project, what is being strived through the implementation of an ERP. To capture and hold onto this vision is the only way to keep all parties engaged on what is essentially the end game. There will always be a vision at the start, that is the reason for the project in the first place, but how does one define this. It has to be done in such a way that the whole organisation can appreciate what is being done, so that the business changes to achieve the vision can follow with the project. 

            What could we do?

            What should we do?

            What will we do?

One must also be mindful of what can possibly affect the vision, or at the very least, attempt to influence its path. These are many challenges of an ERP project and they are there from the start, even before one thinks of engaging an implementation partner.

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