Thursday, 4 February 2010

Structure, structure structure...

So what are these challenges that so frequently bite projects, regardless of size, shape and complexity? Listed below and in no particular priority order are what we consider to be the Top Ten challenges...


1.     Definition - The business interpretation and how do we translate our vision to project definition?

2.     Business Constraints - Do we fully understand the capabilities of the organisation of resources, maturity and budgets across the project timeline, not just as a single figure or point in time?

3.     Data - Is there data to be migrated and if so, do we understand this data to a level that will allow the effort to be defined?

4.     Customisation - What will the policy be around customisation and can this be avoided through process re-engineering?

5.     Structure - What will be the project structure in terms of project team and roles, both client and implementation partner

6.     Programme Assurance, Governance and Compliance - How will I ensure that programme assurance is undertaken and will this be internal or external assurance?

7.     Solution Fit and Scope Creep - What steps and processes need to be in place to ensure that the solution is contained, controlled and managed.

8.     Meeting Business Requirements - What measures and processes will be put in place to track the project against the original business requirements

9.     System Usage, Adoption and Interim processes - How will one ensure that the implemented solution is adopted by the business to the full and that temporary and out dated processes are removed, whilst ensuring a smooth transition.

10. Adhering to the vision from inception to Cutover - What is the best way to communicate to the business, project teams and partners of the vision to be attained.


Whilst one may think that these are obvious, however when embarking on an ERP project, there are so many other factors going on, these are often overlooked or not really addressed. The consequence of this is a project without focus, scope and effort realisation, and one that will also generally fail or fall over at some stage.

Vote or comment on your experiences?

1 comment:

Cheapermobiles said...

Thanks a lot, i would like request you to provide more informations. I am working in ERP Software Developers Chennai